Thursday 5 May 2011

Kate Midleton: the risk to die

The diet of Kate Middleton?
"It's not balanced and therefore dangerous"
The Middleton has followed the high protein of Dukan.
The expert: "You can get ill. " But the U.S. is booming

Brides, you know, are all beautiful and radiant. If then the march to the altar takes you straight into the arms of a prince, the goal for the wedding day should be perfect. Kate Middleton has been shown to be the 'height': April 29 occurred at Westminster solar and elegant, chic and most importantly, filiform. On the traditional pre-wedding stress that, from time immemorial, it seems to hit all future wives, but also a strict diet. The Middleton, according to the Los Angeles Times and other newspapers in stars and stripes, have lost much weight before the "yes real" thanks to the Dukan diet. The same followed by the bride's mother, Ms. Carole, who unlike his daughter, he also confirmed to the British tabloids. This is high-protein diet, famous in France and now, thanks to the royal wedding is taking much hold in America. But the chorus of criticism of doctors and nutritionists are unanimous. "It's a diet that has nothing scientific, unbalanced and dangerous" says Professor Andrea Ghiselli. "With diets lacking in fruits and vegetables you get sick, "he adds no use mincing words.

FOUR PHASES - The diet of discord was designed by Frenchman Pierre Dukan and has four phases. The first is, in short, that for the 'attack' in a period that can range from two to seven days are eliminated carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables and all power is based solely on proteins, which were adopted without any restriction and at any time. Then there is the phase of 'cruise' to the protein you add the vegetables, but not all meals, and even in these cases there are limitations. Reached a healthy weight, begins the "consolidation" that will last many days as there are multiplied by ten pounds lost: a return to the table starches (but only twice a week) and fruits and includes two meals, "the party" each week (in which case anything goes). In the last stage of 'stabilization': the diet returns to normal except for one day a week, in which only proteins are allowed.

EXPERTS AND THE WEB - In the Network Dukan supporters of the method are numerous and satisfied with the result, despite the many sacrifices. Experts, however, are more than skeptical. "There is no scientific publication on the Dukan diet. The scheme devised by French concerns me above all the lack of fiber and water soluble vitamins, "says Professor Ghiselli. If you exceed the two grams of protein per day per kilogram of body weight, at risk, warns expert, osteoporosis, uric acid, kidney stones and general fatigue of the kidneys and liver. Bolus injection Giovanna Cecchetto, president of the National Association of Dietitians. "The initial phase is the most dangerous - feel - and only those who have no health problem can afford it. For those who have kidney problems or suffer from hypertension, situations very common in obese patients, it is very risky. "The suggestion is, first, to consult a doctor before starting the diet. Not only that: according to a number of andida, recent research says that after six months, the high-protein diets are aligned, in terms of results, a more balanced diet and health benefits, such as the classic "Mediterranean diet. "

REASONS FOR SUCCESS - But what about the huge success of Dukan diet? "Let the people lose weight is one of the easiest things in the world - admits Ghiselli - especially if the method suggested is to stop eating or eat in an unbalanced way. But as you get sick. "Moreover, a high protein diet such as that Dukan very satisfied and therefore those who submit to suffer a little. Ghiselli has no doubt a very high-protein diet is better to prefer a mildly reduced calorie diet combined with vigorous physical activity. Also because "if you lose weight without toning the buttocks, for example, is thinner, yes, but shooting. " Word expert. And who knows what he thinks Kate.

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